The likelihood of your application being approved
From 07.07.2020 tariff is valid:
Tariff Basic - select this tariff to receive a report on the state of your Financial Health every 30 days. The cost of services at this tariff is 5.99 euro, starting from the first day of application.
Archived rates (valid until 07.07.2020):
Tariff Basic - select this tariff to receive a report on the state of your Financial Health every 30 days. The cost of services at this tariff is 5 euro, starting from the first day of application.
If you no longer want to receive reports and use the service, unsubscribe. To restore the subscription, add the card in your account and select the appropriate tariff.
Security of payments is carried out with the help of BANK EQUIRE, which operates on the basis of modern protocols and technologies developed by the international payment systems VISA International and MasterCard International (3D Secure, USAF). The security of the transmitted information is ensured using modern Internet security protocols (SSL / TLS). The transfer of the received confidential data of the Cardholder (card details, registration data, etc.) is carried out via closed data transfer networks certified by PSI DSS Level 1 international banking security standards.
Your data is protected.