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In order to apply for a loan, you do not need a personal account. All that the online service asks you to indicate is your full name, mobile phone number, and e-mail address.

After that, a credit rating will be calculated for you, and we will prepare a personalized financing program, including measures to improve your credit history. All you need to do is choose the appropriate option and provide the requested information after you confirm that you agree to the terms of the proposed offer.

Up to 1.000 – 15.000 € may be issued to new customers. However, regular customers may borrow up to 30.000 — 80.000 €. The repayment period ranges from 1 day to 1 month for first-time customers, and up to 6–12 months for customers applying for a second loan. You may take out interest-free loans when there are special offers. For base rate loans, you only need to pay 1-2% in interest per day.

Yes, we have more than 100 partners financial organizations, including certain very loyal lenders who are ready to help borrowers to improve their creditworthiness. We will provide options for customers with any credit history.

You can receive your money in as little as 15 minutes: your profile will be processed automatically, and your application will be reviewed instantly. We will search for pre-approved offers that match your application. Therefore, your loan will be approved and you will not be rejected in 95% of cases.

Our service operates around the clock. We do not take any breaks or days off. Applications are processed at all hours of the day and night as soon as they are received. The only thing that can prevent you from receiving your money within 10-15 minutes is a loan funds payout method that takes a longer period of time to process. Therefore, when the approved amount is sent to a bank account using your account details or if the funds are issued to a card number, it may take several hours or even days for the money to reach the customer. You are unlikely to receive your borrowed funds in your bank account on a Saturday evening, and you will only receive the payout of funds on Monday for loans that are issued on Sunday.

The borrower may choose from one of several options for remitting loan payments: payment by money transfer or at a payment terminal, by card at an ATM or in your personal account, by bank transfer using the lender’s payment details, or by paying cash at an office location. Choose the method that charges the smallest commission fee, and send money to your lender without delay.

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